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Re: My special place

Do you have anything on tomorrow @Bow ?

Re: My special place

Anyone around?

Re: My special place

Hey @Snowie, how are you doing today? RiverSeal 

Re: My special place

Thinking of you today @Snowie 

especially with that tough anniversary.



Re: My special place

Not to good today @RiverSeal 


What are you up to today?

Re: My special place

Thanks @Eve7 

Living on prn atm.


How is your day going?

Re: My special place

Sorry to hear that you are not good today @Snowie. I have had some days like that lately too. What can I do to support you?


I'm just working today and planning on going to the gym later when I finish.



Re: My special place

I'm sorry you have had some days like that too @RiverSeal 


Just need some company. I've been trying to just 'fake it' but that takes up so much energy.

You're good to go to the gym, especially on the weekend. Is it classes or just an open gym when you can go whenever you want?

Re: My special place

Yeah, I joined the gym a few months again and it has been a slow start to going regularly but I try. Sunday afternoons are a time that suits me so I fit it in when I can. The gym has classes, but I usually walk on the treadmill and lift some very light weights and it's a 24/7 gym. I'm at the beginner stage though I have had long periods in the past when I was very active at the gym and exercise in general. It's not an easy road starting all over again. 


What did you do this weekend @Snowie



Re: My special place

Just going to the gym is an accomplishment within itself @RiverSeal Getting over butt out of the house and making yourself go shows a lot of determination.


Haven't really done much this weekend. Went out to lunch today for my b'day with hubby and the kids. besides that, just at home. The last few days have been freezing, way to cold to go outside.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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