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Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD


I was wondering if anyone can suggest a public or private hospital that offers long term inpatient therapy for Depression, Anxiety and BPD?

I'm looking for something from 3-6 months as I feel I need this amount of time to make any real changes in my life.

I have admitted myself to 2 x 3 week inpatient programs in Sydney but I found it was not long enough to make any lasting changes.

I live in Sydney but I'm happy to travel anywhere in Australia (even overseas if anyone knows of somewhere?)

I would be voluntarily admitting myself to one of these programs but it MUST be covered by health insurance (I have top hospital cover).

I've just started searching the internet but its getting quite overwhelming, especially when I'm not in the best state of mind right now.

Thanks for your help 🙂

Cheers ~ Blue Skies


Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD

Sorry no clue @Blue_Skies sure someone will know tho. Wish Id done that 30yrs ago maybe sometimes .. well .. Tis ..

Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD


Thanks for your comment! I have a feeling this may be tough to find but I am enquiring about a place in Bali that does completely private, one on one therapy, It;s called Prana Bali.

Prices and length of stay are not mentioned on the website but I have sent an email and I will post an update once I hear back.


Cheers ~ Blue Skies

Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD

Hey @Blue_Skies


I am not too sure about programs that last this long.

Are you recieving treatment from a specialist already?

Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD

I have no idea how long programs last at this place, but seeing as it also treats addiction, they may have programs which are long term. It is also in Australia.

Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD

Hi @Blue_Skies and others commenting on this post 🙂 

I hope you get some really positive suggestions for some services that might help you out. Have you spoken to your GP? Or another professional you trust, such as a counsellor or psychologist?

I just wanted to make a comment on here for others to be careful when making suggestions for particular services. Be wary of the information you're giving, and make sure to maintain confidentiality and privacy at all times (i.e. I went to such-and-such place and it was good/bad- because it may lead to you being identified).

I also wanted to make a note for you @Blue_Skies, regarding taking recommendations from this site. Keep in mind that these will be from peers, not from professionals. Be very careful when selecting services for your care that are evidence-based and are highly recommended by those helping professionals in the field- such as GPs, psychologists or psychiatrists. 

I hope all that makes sense! 

Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD

I had a friend who went there @Queenie it was like $6 grand a week

Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD


Hi blue skies, I have been looking for a similar place but I have done a lot of reading about this and I'm not sure there is anywhere we can go that will solve our issues, but I know the feeling.  I want to change my life totally and have no idea where to begin.

There was a book review in today's SMH paper called 'Lost Connections' which said depression is about lost connections and people feeling unwanted, lonely and disconnected.  I do agree with a lot of what was said and they are doing more research into this and finding medication isn't helping people much and they are looking into other things.

Health insurance might not pay for you to go overseas as I think it only covers Australian places, so you might be looking at a lot of money if you go to a health place overseas. Maybe check with your health fund about this?

There was a place in NSW called 'Quest for life' which runs weekly depression or ptsd programs to help people. I hear it is okay and a reasonable price, so you could maybe look into that? 

Good luck.  I hope you find somewhere great to help you and if you have some words of wisdom or learn anything insightful, please come back and share it with us on here.  

Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD

Hi @Blue_Skies

How did you go with your search?

I’ve stayed longer than 3 week periods in private hospitals before. The program content is repeated.

There are DBT outpatient groups that require a commitment from yourself for a long period of time, 6-12 months. Might be worth having a look at that and I think they’re covered by a health fund.

My mum, in a different country, had long term admissions, but they are different to the admissions here and also there was a big component of post admission support, as my mums skills to ‘survive in the real world’ had gotten worse during her long term admissions. I consider that fact every time I have a longer admission as it is a safe little heaven for me and the outside world seems pretty scary.

Good luck and I hope you find help.

Re: Long term (3-6 month) inpatient treatment for Depression, Anxiety & BPD

I was an inpatient for at least 3 months in a regional NSW city. I was very sick. It took another ten years to get my medication right (and multiple stays in hospital)and a different diagnosis. I think that if you think you know that you need more help to control the symptoms of your illness you may need to look at the bigger picture of what is happening in your life. What stress are you under? What stress can you remove? What makes you happy and calm? It is not just about being in hospital, it is about living safely with your illness. I asked my psych if my brain was being damaged every episode  I had and she said it was, so i made the decision that i was going to do everything  I  could to help myself. I had to stop my high stress job, move to the country surrounded by gum tress and do things like doing laps at the pool and i started working  with horses again. I make sure i take my medication and have a good relationship with my GP. I have gone from being an inpatient at least  three to four times a year to not having any stays for about  eight years. Being on the right medication made a huge difference but also giving myself a break and being kind to myself helped. My illness will always be there but it is in the background.I sympathize with you but recommend taking the holistic approach.