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Re: mental health

I have called lifeline a few times now and having someone listen in the moment makes a big difference in the now. I hope you feel a bit better soon, being lonely is hard and being sad at the same time is a tough combo. You have got this, know that others have been there too. Sometimes the hardest step is the first one.

Re: mental health

Hi @saji, welcome to the forum.  I know very well how it is to feel sad and lonely.  I'd felt like this most of my life.  They way I started to improve it was to reach out on an online forum just like you've done.  Starting to form connections with people and discovering it was safe to do so, started to boost my confidence.  It took time and I had to force myself to stick with it because my natural instinct was to say nothing so it was really hard to begin with.  But slowly I got to know some members and started to feel heard and appreciated and I started to feel better.  I still struggle with it, but I feel like I'm much more connected to other people now than I ever was before.


You asked "How do I start?"  I think by reaching out here, you already have.  You'll find a lot of people, like myself, who can strongly relate to what you're going through and I hope you start to feel that.  People here are happy to listen an support you.  So just continue the start you've already made and continue to try to let us know how you're feeling as best you can and however comfortable you feel.  Maybe just start by telling us a bit about yourself or just reading some posts by other people to get a feel of what the forum is like and the people here and you may find it gives you some more confidence and safety to share more about yourself.


Re: mental health

Hi @saji 


I can relate to how you are feeling.  I've been alone longer than I care to remember, I'm a 62 year old woman.


This forum is a good place to practise interacting with others like yourself.  The fact that you posted how you are feeling was a great start.


I'm fairly new to and I still haven't started a thread (I think that's the terminology).  Truth is, I don't know how to put my feelings down in writing as my mind goes blank.  So for the time being I just answer some of the posts I can relate to like yours.  I have always found it difficult to talk to people and share my emotions.


Why not try and keep this thread going and perhaps tell us a bit more about yourself or how you're feeling.  It may give you the confidence to make friends and be able to open up especially if you are shy like me.  Do you have any pets?


Think about it, but there is no pressure to follow through.  I'm not sure whether I'd have the confidence to do it.


Also check out local 'social clubs' in your area as they often have activities specifically design to help lonely people.  I'm still to scared to attend them but haven't given up hope.


Warm hugs to you.


R 🌻