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Re: Morning has broken

It's very cold! @Eve7 


Hoping your ECT kicks in soon 🤞


Sending 💛

Re: Morning has broken

I had so much prn last night I feel as if I’ve slept under a truck. Just managed a shower and breakfast now waiting for pdoc.


Hope everyone is well and having a better morning @NatureLover @Snowie @Just @Bow @Emelia8 @tyme @creative_writer @Jynx @outlander 



Re: Morning has broken

Sounds like a rough night @Eve7  can you take it easy today?

Re: Morning has broken

Hoping it helped you at least sleep last night @Eve7 


I'm with @Bow can you take it easy today? Maybe just have a quiet day today. Lots of naps!



Re: Morning has broken

Yes, having a quiet day and not going to any groups @Snowie @Bow spoke to pdoc about the upcoming weekend.


I was supposed to go away and, among other things, visit Mum who isn't well. Long story but after ECT tomorrow I can go for the weekend but need to be readmitted on Monday. Am I doing the right thing? Who knows but I want to see Mum and I will be safe so I'm very grateful that pdoc is allowing me to go.


Meanwhile I am just taking it easy today.

Re: Morning has broken

If it feels like the right thing to do @Eve7 then it is the right thing.

I'm sure your mum will appreciate the visit from you.


It's good that you can go for the weekend and then get readmitted on Monday.

I hope your quiet day goes ok hon. 

Re: Morning has broken

I’m sure it will be a nice weekend for you @Eve7 seeing your mum. Hope readmission isn’t a complicated process. 

and glad that your having a quiet slow day 💕


Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 meds can do that to you, especially if they put you to sleep. Take it easy today 💖

If your pdoc isn’t worried about your safety and you think it would be a good idea to visit your mum, I would say go for it. Ultimately the decision comes down to you

Re: Morning has broken

Morning @Eve7 sorry to hear your Mum isn't well. It's good that your pdoc has done the sensible thing and given you a weekend leave pass to visit her. I hope it all goes well. Please take extra special care of yourself. ❤️

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7  You will be away at the moment visiting your mum...I hope it goes well. Sending care 💛