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Re: Living with schizophrenia

@MDT  Hey Hamsolo01 :)x

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Hi @Everan   I can't really help as far as controlling the conversation goes.  Even 10 years post diagnosis with bipolar 1, in many situations I would simply exit stage left.  I won't be pressured into disclosing my diagnosis, and am very choosy who I do tell.  Only certain close family members and people who have already earned my trust which is very hard to do these days as I also have complex PTSD from a lifetime of traumatic events, and social phobia in many situations.  If the topic of either bp or ptsd comes up I go into listening mode if I can, and if not (usually) if I have to I will say something like 'now isn't a good time for me to get into this' and if it's a person I feel safe enough with I will suggest a time when I will talk about it, but that's pretty rare.  I hear you about it being hard to listen at times, my mind can go into lots of rapid thoughts about past experiences quite easily and it's taken me years to get to where I don't have to verbalise that that is happening.  Sorry I'm not much help with this.  

But rest assured it is quite ok to tag me any time.  I will offer support whenever I can.

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Thanks @eth.!

That makes sense going into listening mode. I find that if it's safe it's better like at work at the moment. Thanks for the message 🙂 

Re: Living with schizophrenia

@Everan Hey Everan, I have schizoeffective disorder. I am a naturally quiet person. I find if I don’t know what to say which happens a lot, to go into listening mode is okay. People don’t mind if I just nod and smile. My mood and anxiety are huge struggles. I find walking and good sleep help. I have very difficult personal situation and very isolated, slowly working through that . Hope that helps a bit.

Re: Living with schizophrenia


Yes that helps @Meowmy 🙂

It helps to know that it's okay to listen than escaping. I am trying to breathe and think of how i want to respond and just be natural.

Thanks for sharing 🙂 It's inspiring to hear what other people have gone through.



Re: Living with schizophrenia

@Everan Hey Everan, I think some people are natural talkers and can talk a lot still need to learn there are topics not expected to be able to respond. May be don’t put pressure on yourself. Enjoy.

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Hi @Everan  its outside anything I know about but thanks for thinking of me. it sounds difficult

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Thanks @TAB 

Re: Living with schizophrenia

hey @Everan of course its ok to tag me. im just out atm but ill come back and write up a response for you

Re: Living with schizophrenia

🙂 @outlander It was just a quick message that i thought of no pressure. Thanks.