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Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

It took you a few years to speak to the person you knew didn’t it? If just feel like  it has been such a long time since I last saw her. I  am in Melbourne at the moment. I came over for a couple of days at the tennis. How are things with you? 😊

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 


I just had a slight worry. The last thing she said to me was ‘ you will be ok Rockdog’

If my angel was planning things wouldn’t she have said something like ‘ it will be ok’or ‘ don’t worry things will be alright’ or maybe she didn’t know at the time because she was stressed? Sorry was just overthinking 


Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hey @Rockdog just letting you know I edited your post to remove your name from it, as per our Anonymity Guideline. Let us know if you have any concerns 😊

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @Jynx 


Thank you, sorry that slipped out without realising 😊

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hey @Rockdog ,


You WILL be okay. That's a fact. Everything will turn out as it's supposed to. 


I think it took about 3 years before I spoke to the person again. I got a happy new year message from them this year 🙂


I'm so proud of the growth you have made.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Awww thanks @tyme 

It is really strange but sometimes I feel like I’m growing, sometimes I feel like I’m not.

I really enjoy having you come on my adventure with me. So you do mean turn out like they are meant to with what we have talked about? I do think of all the amazing people she must have in her life, I really don’t know if I am one of them. 


Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

Hope you are going well. I am just feeling a bit sad and always like when you cheer me up by saying things will work out. You are my reassuring person of hope. I’m not feeling it today and I can’t believe I am in s  ok deep. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hey @Rockdog


Sorry to hear that you are not in a great place today. Has something triggered you today or are you having these thoughts just pop into your mind? It can be tough when we feel sad, and you are demonstrating your courage by being vulnerable and reaching out on the Forums. RiverSeal 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @RiverSeal 

She is always there in my head, sometimes I can distract with other things and sometimes I can’t. Her happy go lucky nature and smile just pops into my head. Then I just feel sad that I cant see her anymore. It was a movie I saw today that triggered ms a bit, and j thought about her life, and that she may not care about me at all. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thinking about people who used to be in our lives can be really challenging @Rockdog. I have had a few breakups that really affected me for a long time. We give power to people sometimes who aren't around, and it can be really tough. What has gotten you through these times in the past? Distraction is a good coping technique I have used myself when I was having ruminating thoughts.


Would it be beneficial to talk with someone at a support line tonight? I will pop a few numbers below, so they are handy for you:


Sane counsellors are available via phone, web chat or email from 10am to 8pm Monday to Friday (AEST/AEDT). 1800 187 263.  Counselling

Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Lifeline Chat 

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 or Beyond Blue Webchat

1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732, 

Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467 or Online Counselling 

Kids Helpline (up to ages 25): 1800 55 1800,  

If in immediate danger: 000


Take care



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