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Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

@Judi9877 wrote:

That poses a new question. Did you prefer a season when you were younger or at a different point in your life that you now don't prefer or has it stayed the same? I'm very interested to see your answers.

I think as kids we didn't mind winter at all - we were always outside, whether it was cold or not, wearing what seems now to be little warm clothing. I suppose we were running or cycling around, keeping warm. Now I don't like winter at all, the cold plus the gloom. I guess too that I'm much less active now - that probably explains some of it. And developing SAD explains the rest.

Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

Hi @NatureLover @Faith-and-Hope @frog @Eve7 @Shaz51 and everyone here. Just a quick little late 'good morning' to say goodbye to winter, one of my favourite seasons. I hope you enjoy it! 



Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

spring time is here my @Judi9877@NatureLover@Faith-and-Hope@frog@Eve7 HeartHeart

Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

Survived the winter @Shaz51 


Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

Was a bit warm here @Eve7 , glad it is not summer yet 

@Judi9877 , @NatureLover , @Faith-and-Hope , @frog 

We have the fan on here tonight  

Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

Bit warm here too @Shaz51 

Have a good night


Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

Hi @Eve7 @Shaz51 @NatureLover @Faith-and-Hope @frog @Former-Member @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @TideisTurning and all forum members interested in weather and seasons. Long time, no discussion from me so I'm sorry!I was just thinking about the weather and the seasons and it got me wondering about what time of day do people like? Do you function great in the mornings because of sunlight or do you need coffee to kickstart your brain like I do? Definition of me- no coffee =no workee or functionee! Therefore, coffee is one of my best friends along with chocolate but that's another story for another discussion post! Maybe you like the afternoon where there are things happening or the night time like me? Post below and let's start talking!


I know for example , weather can be temperamental and that certain weather happens at certain times of the day. For instance, when I was on holiday on the Gold Coast in November a few years ago, rain seemed to happen in the late afternoon and early evening. I also remember waking up at 3:15am in July last year in Cradle Mountain to hear snow falling on my cabin which I thought was really magical and exciting as I'd never experienced that before. As I live in Melbourne, their weather seems to be 4 seasons in 1 day plus a few more put in just to confuse people! I totally believe my home city has big MH issues in terms of who she is with the weather😂


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I tend to like nights better than mornings, like after 9pm when things quieten down and my housemate goes to bed so there's less noise. It gives me a chance to think and reflect and do some quiet activities that help me mental health like work in knitting and crock projects that require counting and concentration. I've also been known to wake up at 3am and get up and do things like write and knit, although I did have a crazy idea back in April nearly 4 years ago where I decided I wanted a kitten for company which led to my housemate and I adopting our current cat Mitz. She's 4 next month and is 1 of my better ideas that I've had in the early hours of the morning. I also like hearing rain and thunderstorms happening in those hours as they really light up the night sky. I love seeing photos of these weather things in action as there is all colour and to me, that is fascinating that weather can behave that way and produce such amazing energy. I don't understand the Science of weather but I love what it entails and thunder and lightning is one of my fascinations. 

Okay. Time for me to go and enjoy the rest of a December summer night in Melbourne. The weather has been okay here today- warm but not hot. We're expecting some rain I believe on Tuesday and then some warmer weather. I'm not sure what the Christmas break holds here for us down here. 

Talk later forumites!



Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

I find beauty in most times of day @Judi9877, so I can't say I have a favourite, but probably my least favourite is around the middle of the day in Summer.  Too hot and too bright for me ...... 😎

Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

Hi @Faith-and-Hope @Eve7 @Shaz51 @frog @NatureLover  and all weather forum friends here.


I was just on the Bureau of Meteorology website and have learnt that today is the Summer Solstice which means we've had our longest day of the year. That now means the days will get shorter as we head towards the Winter Solstice which is in June each year and is the shortest day. How was today for you? Did you feel like it was longer than normal or just the same? 

@Faith-and-Hope I'm like you with Summer and the hot periods during the afternoon. I prefer to get things over and done with in the morning in Summer and then hibernate inside somewhere cool in the middle of the day. I know last summer, I spent a fair bit of time at the local library trying to keep cool by doing some craft hobbies and doing some reading of magazines and books. This summer will be spent doing some uni study as I start back in January as well as looking for rental properties, probably hibernating at the library to keep cool and study as well! The worst case scenario is I'll study at night when it is cooler and sleep during the day depending on the weather here in Melbourne. 

Right now, it's raining on and off so I'm taking time to listen to Christmas music and am about to continue to knit a beanie for charity. Yes, wet weather always makes me go into beanie knitting mode for some unknown reason! Maybe it's because I know the recipients will have something to keep their heads warm as the weather gets colder and I know the charity I knit for will appreciate it. 

Have a great night, forumites.



Re: Wonderful Weather and Sensational Seasons

The library is a great place to keep cool @Judi9877 ❣️

I am away from Melbourne at the moment, so interesting to hear it's raining there ..... we had another 30+ degree day here 😓💦


Where I am gets a breeze, so that helps, and I am working on a giant    jigsaw puzzle.  That's keeping me out of mischief for the moment.

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