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Re: Unknown trajectory

Hi @Former-Member

I totally love simple stuff and child-like things.

No need to apologise....I wrote that post early this morning before work and sometimes my mind and fingers are going at a million miles an hour, so really, I might have written anything!!!!!

When I was new to the forums it took me a while to feel comfortable posting.....but there's so much support from everyone and we help one another. 

So please, keep on visiting and posting. @NatalieS


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Re: Unknown trajectory

@NatalieSHey, sorry i meant it is hard to focus on the writing with that picture there. You might have understood that but  i figured i would reiterate it, I have so many miss understandings with communicating, Mostly probably in my head.  I'm even having trouble writing this with the stickman there. I is the simple Smiley Tongue   Thanks for the reply

Re: Unknown trajectory

@Former-Member How has your day been Rob101?

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Re: Unknown trajectory

Hey @greenpea Trust you to show up, You are next on the list for having a profile picture that make me feel like a giggly little kid. My day was pretty good considering  i had very little sleep. Been keeping myself busy trying to sell stuff i don't need on FB. Duanting when it comes to actually dealing with the people buying stuff. Half the time i delete the post before anyone probably even sees it.

How was your day?

Re: Unknown trajectory

@Former-Member Haha! Yet another poor formite who has trouble sleeping ... I will tag in @Former-Member she and @outlander both have trouble sleeping. I on the other hand sleep pretty well ... occasionally with the help of a sleeping pill 🙂

I am so glad that you like my gp avatar ... wait till you see my other gp avatars I have a whole collection but this is the first and my favourite ... he has such a ernest little expression on his face. Good luck with selling the goods on fb I think you are very brave attempting ... I couldnt lol. I would freak out  😄

Ummm as for me I had my mum up to visit so we went for coffee with her and my daughter and then I attempted to see my doctor (I had an appiontment for 12) but when I got there was told she was running 2 hours at least late!!! I gave up and went home lol will worry about getting a referral later on.

I am knitting again scarf number 3 in the hope that I can make the perfect scarf for Dr G before he retires *cross fingers and toes*. So that is my day 🙂

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Re: Unknown trajectory

Hi @Former-Member,

I suffer from depression (amongst other things) too so can understand some of what you are going through. I find I tend to isolate myself from people too, especially when I am really down.

Greenpea is right, I have lots of trouble sleeping so you can normally find me lurking around somewhere on here late at night!! Or like the other night, all night Smiley Indifferent

I haven't got an exciting avatar like the others, just a mixture of 3 animals that another forum member made for me Smiley Happy

Fell free to jump straight in and onto any thread you like. People are very welcoming around here.

Hope your day has had some good in it Smiley Happy

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Re: Unknown trajectory

@greenpeaYes, that expression! Thanks for the luck, I do need it. Haven't had to deal with many people yet, and the ones i have, have gone alright. It does take a lot. Thinking about dropping a load of stuff off at a salvos/lifeline bin. Don't have to deal with many people then. lol

Sounds like you had a nice day apart from the doctors. Running 2 hours late, that is a long time to sit in a waiting room, I would have done the same, if i ever scheduled anything in the first place. Hope it works out better next time Smiley Happy

Good luck with the knitting, I look at those things and Quantum entanglement (Like a tangled set of headphones) comes to mind. It is beyond my comprehension. I once looked at a length of string and it instantly turned into a ball of yarn that did not unravel Smiley Tongue you get a 10/10 in my book. Good luck with it and i hope you get number 3 finished in time.

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Re: Unknown trajectory

Hi @Former-Member wow, it took my half an hour to write that last message, So i didn't see your post until after i posted it. Thanks for your comment. It's strange to say it's good to hear people with smilar stories, as it implies that it is good other people suffer as well. I know it isn't taken that way. It just feels a little weird. I quite like your avatar Smiley Happy there are some fun mash ups pictures of animals getting around.

People really are welcoming here, This is a new concept to me, it's almost disconcerting. lol  I come and go a lot, I still run away after hitting the post button, and come back once i resign myself to the fact it is done.

I hope you had yourself a good day Smiley Happy

Thanks again....again everyone

Re: Unknown trajectory



Morning @Former-Member

Good luck with the sorting/selling many times I've decided its easier to donate stuff to charities than actually have people in the many people on the forums I seriously don't do people well as I just don't get them.

Anyway, hope you have a good day.  Am going to make the most of the aircon at work today....being cooler might make my brain less mushy!  

Oh, @greenpea and @Former-Member hubby still in hospital...he went in 8 days ago and has had heaps of tests and is having a procedure today.....may not hear anything until later tonight.  Hugz to all and try to keep cool wherever you are.


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Re: Unknown trajectory

Good morning to you Smiley Happy I don't have people at the house. I either drop stuff off of meet people elsewhere, I've found it makes it easier. And people don't like to come this far out of town to pick things up. Don't worry i don't get people either, well society really, It makes no sense to me.

Good luck with the Air cond and hope everything goes well for your hubby. Whatever it is, it doesn't sounds like fun.