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Re: The pain within

@Meowmy i think what we see in others is also in ourselves. Even the absolute worst of other people. I've found with myself... when I'm down, out, struggling and really resenting life... i point out everyone else's flaws... Even if I'm feeling hurt i do it... it's the play victim and blame game... research it... it may give you insight... + expectations vs reality is another subject you can research which may help...

Re: The pain within

@eudemonism Thanks for post. I am getting to know the reality of my life more plainly . My parents were selfish and controlling. That I was not brought in keeping with the real world but to their needs and wants. I am really alone in the wind. Lucky to have the forum to talk with,


Re: The pain within

@Meowmy yea I'm battling with my illness 24/7 365 i've tried everything to get well but it always comes back. Meds and counselling + life experience has helped me manage a bit better. But my illlness is still there.

Re: The pain within

@eudemonism We have to be very careful with our triggers. Watch any flare ups. Because just like physical illness, say if someone got dizziness, he or she may have very high blood pressure and may end up stroke.

Anyhow, we are lucky on the forum, we watch each other.

No one is perfect though. So everyone has got some sort of tendency to illness of some sort. We learn from mistakes. Try not to get sick. Then mistakes also taught us a lot. I sometimes think the real meaning of life is in the crushed and burnt state that we really appreciate what is important.


Re: The pain within

@Meowmy yea I'm hearing you... my body is pretty messed up from 13 years of medication... i have motivation and ambitions but medication side effects don't allow me to do very much these days...

My illness has become irrelevant because of the side effects basically...

Re: The pain within

@eudemonism Thanks for post. I have been consistently on medication for eighteen months now. It really helped. Before that, I was on and off medication and I kept having relapses. Initially the side effects were terrible. I had to take more medication for the side effects. I find that healthy living helped the side effects a lot. Having worked through my deep emotional issues, now the side effects are much better. I think possibly anxiety made the side effects much worse.Do you have anxiety? 

Re: The pain within

@Meowmy yep all sounds about right to me. Yes i have periodic episodes of anxiety. I was on an off meds for a few years before eventually they put me on the depot. My main bereavement nowdays is accepting my life and condition for what it is. In an internal sense. Instead of being discontented with my life and my condition in an external sense.

Re: The pain within

@eudemonism I find work off anxiety and depression help a lot with side effects. For me was a lot of reasoning with myself and my past. But walking , outdoor all help. I don’t get agitated much these days, That helps to reduce the side effects a lot. May be try to write a journal. I started that. It does help .

Re: The pain within

@Meowmy my days of journaling are over. I hear you with the working off the anxiety and depression. I've tried that before. Nowdays i just be the quiet spectator of everything going in and out of my mind. I've spent years being rather unwell and yea it's pretty frightening to think about everything that's happened... i had no real consideration or concern for everyone else who was involved when unwell/psychotic... i missed out on years that could of been put toward a better purpose... now days it's better managed but definitively still very alive and active in the background/ thriving in prime conditions...

Re: The pain within

@eudemonism gradually you will get better and make sense of the past. I was quite unwell,psychotic on and off for about five years with very short remission periods only. Then now I am gradually making sense of those years and put those dark years in good use for now and the future. I think in life, we are constantly in struggles whoever we are because that is just the reality. We are lucky to have such caring,supportive people on the forum. But try to live well day to day, and make the most out of those dark years to learn from.

I think the more you can put together your life, the better your illness will get and reduce.