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My Dad died in July 2023 and multiple complications have delayed his funeral. He was cremated in Western Australia and his ashes are now in Tasmania for his funeral/memorial this week. 

I am dreading the service as my brother and sisters consider I'm a waste of oxygen. One of my brothers has decided not to attend and there is considerable b!tching about that. I'm kinda jealous of him for being brave enough to say no. My son and granddaughter will be there to support me but I am still terrified at the thought of being in close proximity to my siblings. They consider my PTSD and mental illness is a choice which I can reverse IF I choose to.

Community Lead

Re: Grief

Hey there @Scream58 ,


Know you are not alone in feeling this way. 


I think what may be helpful to remember is that you are there for your father. You are not there for your siblings or anyone else. Is that fair to say?


What do you think you can do to help you through the memorial?


We're here if you need a chat.

Senior Contributor

Re: Grief

Hi @Scream58 I’m really sorry your dad passed away and then add in the family challenges…. can relate, both of my parents have passed and organising my mums funeral and clearing out her house etc was almost all up to me despite being one of many many kids most of us who are adults!
I did everything.
I understand you are contending with grief and mental health, I hope the supports you do have for the day will be helpful for you, sitting in a different area with them might help you focus on why you are there

Senior Contributor

Re: Grief

I commented in the family group chat today and offered assistance since I have connections in the town where the funeral is happening. My Sister (the executor) took up my offer to assist with the organisation. This pleases me as my previous life was in administration and event organisation. I have a project!

Re: Grief

At least that's something to keep you busy. @Scream58 


We are hanging out over here tonight if you want to join. JOIN US! Live Sunday Hangout 7-8:30pm AEST 

Senior Contributor

Re: Grief

Not sure how to join!!

Re: Grief

My bad. Follow this link, then register for an account


You can then click back on the link and you will be in 🙂 @Scream58 

Senior Contributor

Re: Grief

Doesn't work, I just get a blank screen.

Re: Grief

Try this screen


Then press "Accept" when you scroll down.


For you @Scream58 


Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 7.43.35 PM.png


Senior Contributor

Re: Grief

I give up !