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Casual Contributor


My daughter has lost all her indentification, documents, banking cards, everything. She is in hospital at the moment but will probably be released in the near future. How can she replace all of those? Without them, she cannot access her bank or anything. 

Would anyone be able to help with some suggestions please?

Not applicable

Re: Identification

hi there @sgd, welcome to the forums! Hopefully we can find some answers for you! 


Firstly, I hope you're daughter is doing ok? 


If you're in NSW, here is a handy list from the government which has links to get replacements.


I think to get replacements, your daughter can

  • Contact her bank via phone or a banking app on her phone. They should be able to re-issue a new card. Maybe just check what mailing address they have. Once you request a new card, the old one is usually de-activated for security
  • For her license contact your state driving authority (I know the Victorian one is VicRoads but I'm unsure of the others)


I would also think about contacting the police to report everything lost to help protect from identity theft. 


Is this what you were looking for? 


Hope this has helped 😊 



Re: Identification

Thanks. We are in Victoria. Unfortunately, she needs ID to request any of these. She has also thrown away her phone along with everything during a Pshychotic episode. She is still not quite lucid to speak to any of them without getting totally confused. She has denied help from the Social Worker, thinking they are dangerous. The hospital wants to release her after being in there for 6 weeks. Unfortunately, the first lot of medication did not work and the second, only just beginning to work, but not enough for clarity of her remembering where she lives and such. 


I'm at a lost to know what to do. This means, she may be released without any access to money, miki cards, food, etc. I just don't want to go back to square one again where she is lost and confused of where she lives and I have to report her as missing again. Also, losing her stuff and getting train fines. It's a nightmare


Re: Identification

I hear you @sgd . I can't say I have a solution for you, but I am listening.


Have you been able to speak to the hospital about what is happening? e.g. refusing support even though she needs it; throwing away ID and phone during a psychotic episode, etc?


Hope things get better for you, 


Re: Identification

Hi @sgd  I’m sorry to read your daughter is so unwell and can relate to your dilemma. Perhaps you could apply online for a copy of her birth certificate for starters. I in the past have contacted the bank on behalf of my daughter and reported a lost card and they cancelled it. Once she was more lucid in hospital, the social worker helped her to organise a replacement. It’s hard going as a parent to see your girl so unwell and I understand what your going through. I hope this helps a little. 

Re: Identification

Thanks tyme, The hospital knows but can't do anything. Apparently, she has to do it outside the hospital. I'm having a meeting with them today.

Re: Identification

Thanks Krishna,

I have tried online but need proof of ID. Will see what can be done when she gets out.

Re: Identification

Hi @sgd Good luck today and make sure you get the social worker at the hospital on board to help you through this. Also when replying to a comment here, press @ and a drop down list with the name of the person you’re replying to will present and just click their name. That way they’ll get a notification of your reply. Hugs and strength being sent your way 🙏

Re: Identification

something similar happened to me. The Main thing to do is cancel the credit card. Then as she gets better she can do the rest herself, one at a time. Its not easy to do it that way but it was a valuable lesson for why I should take my medication. It will also give her something to do as she recovers. I recommend keeping the communication up even if she doesnt always make sense.

Re: Identification

Hi @Krishna, Thanks for the tip. Went to the hospital today. No Social Worker only psychiatrist. He told me that they can't do anymore. She was released today with no ID, access to money, Myki card or anything. I drove her to her apartment that she has lived in for 5 years. She can't remember it and refuses to think it is hers. She seems to think it belongs to anther person with same name as hers. Can not comprehend anything. Same as before she went in to hospital. After trying to convince her and help her, to no avail, she walked off and is now wondering around somewhere not really knowing what is going on just like before. Phoned Triage to let them know what has happened. We are back to square one.   Bank wants ID and suggested she has to go to Centrelink to get another health care card. Centrelink wants ID and my daughter doesn't understand and thinks Centrelink is only in another state. I managed to give her a Myki card to try to stop all the train fines she is getting but I'm pretty sure that will get lost very soon. Swings and Roundabouts😣