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@puzzlingdino - so great to see you as a peer guide!


Thanks @tyme!

Community Lead


Hi there @Former-Member , @Darryl @Paul4 @OolBPD @MissLil ,


I wanted to check-in and see how you are all travelling?


I'm here if you need a chat.

Casual Contributor


Well what would you like, the good the bad or the ugly.

Some days are great and some days aren’t so great. I won’t mention what I do think about and how, here on this forum in my negative days. All in all I just want to know and feel that I’m valued, loved and wanted in our society. And yes someone to hold and talk too, someone who won’t get scared off when I say “hey this is what I was thinking today (negative thoughts) would be nice as well. Not to be lonely and feel alone even when I’m in a crowded location. I give my word that the negative thoughts are never going to win in my fight. I listen to what others are saying and yes it is one day at a time.

Community Lead


Hey @Paul4 ,


Fair enough. Makes sense. 


I live with chronic suicidal thoughts everyday. I have NO intention on acting on them, but learnt over the years that it was part of my BPD. I used to get so upset because these obsessive thoughts would not leave me....up until my psych pretty much said, "You're having these thoughts, let them be".


That was the beginning of a turnaround for me. From hating myself and the thoughts, I learnt to embrace them and work with them. It's made such a huge difference not to have that burden of trying not to think about what I was thinking about - that doesn't even make sense!!!


But yeah, just keep going. I'm here if you ever need a chat 🙂


It's the life of a borderline 🙂


Hi @tyme, I am doing a lot better over the past week. I have started my new job working in the mental health support and feel like things are falling more into place.

Its hard often because my way of thinking and feeling like I can not be in a working environment I do not enjoy and only be there for the purpose of money and to have a job has been very difficult and has been triggering for my BPD, it made getting out of bed hard daily and also made me feel like i was only surviving each day again. I have only spent a few days in my new job and it feels like so much weight has been lifted from my shoulders to be getting up and being happy to go to work and enjoy my days. 

I think its important to keep moving forward and finding what works best for yourself and how to find your truest self and the life that will make you feel like you are living even on the hard days. But I am forever taking a day at a time and continuously growing and learning. 

Casual Contributor


i have bpd
Casual Contributor


Hi, I have just joined tonight aswell. Your post resonates with me.
Community Lead


Hi @Sunny54 @SLARBERT ,


I also have BPD. It's been a bitter sweet journey, but I'm in such a good place now. 


Have a browse at Raising Awareness of BPD - Flipping the Script . I'd love to connect with you here on the forums and chat a little more about what's going on for you.