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Walk off a Worry


Have we over complicated mental health?

Are we anticipating technology or someone else to solve our issues maybe even in the form of a drug?

Are we so disconnected from each other, our communities and our environment in modern society?

Is asking for help or permission hard?

Is accessing help hard?

What if we had no more excuses to change our situation, our state of mind, our physical surroundings, our chemistry and our biology by a simple task that we as humans where designed to do?

Maybe you just don’t want to talk about it or if you do people or programs and facilities are too in personable, disconnected, distant or mechanical for you and your issues?

All of the above can be explained or diagnosed by your GP or specialist clinically however maybe a quick change in location, mindset and surroundings could change circumstance, mood, events, and outcomes by the simplest of things and "Walk off a Worry".


Re: Walk off a Worry

Hello @Wardy Welcome to the forums.

I know there are quite a few walkers who post in the Lived Experience Forum, and as I get to know more posters .. find some are actually very active.

We have had a few other threads on this topic, where I posted about a range of the physical things I have done.

I have been mildy to moderately active all my life ... was a sports captain one year at school.  I see myself as an all-rounder ... tho def not an athlete any more.

I am sorry but there is a tone in your post that I find a little presumptuous.As if people with mental illness are physically lazy and their concerns trivial. You may have experienced a person like that. I do not know, however you could have presented this question in a less confrontational manner by not addressing the reader as "you" and being a little more general in your comments.

I stopped power walking regularly about 5 years ago as I thought I was setting myself up for hip replacements earlier than necessary .. tho still like a bit of bush walking.

I have always wanted someone to go walking with .. and found it difficult to find a reular partner. As some people are too fast and others are too slow ... maybe one day I will find one that is JUST RIGHT.




Not applicable

Re: Walk off a Worry

Hi @Wardy

Welcome to the Forums! You ask an interesting question. I’m not sure if mental health has been overcomplicated but it is being talked about and I think that’s definitely a good thing. After many years of mental illness being ignored, if bringing it into the public eye means it’s been overcomplicated on some level, I think that’s a small price to pay.

I also think it’s just as important that mental illness isn’t oversimplified. While I’m sure some worries can be walked off, there are times where a walk or change of scenery just isn’t going to cut it. That might be where you need someone to walk alongside, or perhaps medication to get you to a point where walking it off can be more effective.

I guess the aim of the mental health profession and anyone seeking to improve their mental health is to make peoples lives better – whether that can be done with a change of scene or mindset, with medication to manage symptoms or with therapy to develop new coping mechanisms, or a combination of all those things.

Do you think what you see as overcomplicating could be a step along the way to developing an effective approach to mental illness in our society?

Re: Walk off a Worry

I walk my dog around the various headlands here....sometimes around Milton and one of the parks....sometimes we get "lost" and " mysteriously "end up inside the Commercial Hotel....where we both have a drink ( mines better than hers)...,

Re: Walk off a Worry

Sounds like my porridge in winter... Finding the not too sloppy not to thick just right that is....