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Re: Not coping

@Maggie - do yours constantly switch? 
mine are constantly switching and it gets scary. I'm currently crying...

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not coping

Hey @Fluttershy1, just wanted to pop in and let you know we moderators are here to support you. Sounds like you're having a tough time, but you're also reaching out for support which is fantastic. Sending you a smidge of extra strength Heart

Re: Not coping

@Jynx  - you know how hard it is some days with DID. Today has probably been the hardest. 

im pushing through though I don't want to lose my hope! 
Im not only a survivor I'm a fighter Smiley Very Happy

Re: Not coping

@Fluttershy1  At times they do, but not always.


I was really scared at first, but I’ve worked very slowly with mine. It’s different for everyone, but being respectful with mine( mostly) has helped. I get it wrong often. Remember they are there to help you, they can get confused, stuck in time, and scared.

Do you know why you are crying?


Re: Not coping

@Maggie - I'm crying because I'm scared... 

I have 3 safe alters then 1 unsafe one that can be really powering sometimes 😭

Re: Not coping

@Fluttershy1  I can understand why you are scared. 3 safe Alters is good.

Do you have anyone else at home with you apart from your alters? Are you safe?

Re: Not coping

@Maggie  - I live with Mum & my half brother and they are home at the moment.

But they don't understand my mental health. I have 2 child safe alters. 1 teenage safe alter. 

Then 1 teenage unsafe alter. I work reallly well with my safe alters 🙂

Re: Not coping

@Fluttershy1  It’s really hard work, but you are doing well. Very few understand the complications of complex conditions.

You have probably already mentioned it, but are you working with a therapist or health team? Obviously you have as you have been diagnosed, but atm, I mean.


I’m pleased you are not home alone. Even though you family don’t understand, they are present, sometimes that’s all they can do.

Re: Not coping

@Jynx - im feeling a little better now ive got food and music on. im not switching alters every second or every few minutes.


Re: Not coping

@Maggie - I've been diagnosed with DID, Anxitey, Depression, Panic disorder, PTSD, Trauma, etc 

I cope really well but some days i find harder then other. i have a disabilty aswell Smiley Sad

I get judged and stared at alot....