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Re: Living with schizophrenia

@Shaz51 I have been doing lots of gentle exercise as I plan to go crazy with my favourite biscuits which are on special at Woolies tomorrow :P. Very hot here just spending the day inside 🙂

Re: Living with schizophrenia

@Everan, Hi and welcome to the forums. Sorry I haven't been here for the last few days. I've been really sick with flu and practically bedridden due to fever.

I live with schizoaffective disorder (which is like schizophrenia with a mood disorder thrown in for good measure). I spent many moons in hospital due to the illness, but am now 18 months hospital free (which is a record in my book!). 

I am classed as extroverted, which I'd be safe to say is true. I crave human interaction and get my energy from others around me. The awful thing about schizo, is that it often isolates you and you find it difficult to even leave your home for human interaction. I find stigma is also a cruel beast. When I was first diagnosed, nobody wanted to hang out with me because of the label schizo. Then there is an awful lot of self stigma added to that. You actually stop interacting socially because of the label too. 

I'm glad you've approached the forum, there is a great group of people living with the illness here. Perhaps the forums can help you with a little bit of human interaction?


Again welcome to the forums! 🙂

Re: Living with schizophrenia


Hi all @outlander @Appleblossom @Shaz51  @eth @greenpea  @MDT@TAB


I hope it's okay to post you guys.


How do I make a plan to stop being triggered?

I find that when people attack me in conversation i can’t get in control of the conversation. This sends me into a spiral of negatives and i can’t continue the conversation. I want to feel in control of the conversation. In order to feel in control of the conversation, i need to listen to the other person. I feel anxious when i am out of my privacy. I need to control my anxiety.


Any thoughts?



Re: Living with schizophrenia

Hey @Everan
Thanks for the tag. Happy to help.

Why do you think you are struggling to listen to others during conversations?

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Thanks @MDT 

It's hard to listen because i get triggered. I get triggered just going out in public when it's a fast pace. I think it might have to do with my breathing. I am going to try doing some breathing exercises. I have found this works sometimes just have to bear it other times. so it happens before i go out in public and have conversations or on the fly. 


Re: Living with schizophrenia

@Everan  Hi Everan of course it is fine to ask me 🙂 I am flattered that you would think of asking the pea. I have the same problem..... my only way to stop being triggered is to be on this purple pill. It helps control my moods and I have noticed that if I play around with the dose (because it puts on weight)  I get alot more triggered by what people say and do. So I try and stick to the dose perscribed by the doc.


So definitely medications for me. Being able to talk with my pdoc about things that worry me help too and exercising and sleep too have their place in keeping my mind calm.


I hope this helps a bit. Love peaxx

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Thanks so much @greenpea.

Your right and i need to just recognise that it's an emotion and i can't last forever. The bottom line is anxiety and anger just need to try and manage and endure 🙂 

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Are you naturally a quiet type of person @Everan

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Everyone 's favourite legume

Re: Living with schizophrenia

Thanks @MDT. I used to be very very open and social in my twenties. The last 10 years have been too quiet to the point where i have less connections. I have the natural tendency to want to socialize and trying to take control now.