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Re: How to bounce back during a mental breakdown?

hi @Staceace111 


Thank you so very much reaching out. The fact that you are seeking support demonstrates a 'respect for self' and an awareness of the key aspects of your life that are holding you back.  


While respecting that there are multiple strategies for achieving mental health, most professionals in the field (who often have lived experience), suggest that the key pillars are:


1. Maintaining regular sleep (to allow our mind and body to recuperate).

2. Exercising 3-4 times a week (to release endorphins, our bodies happy-making chemical).

3. Limiting on-line media use (to avoid malicious comment and to keep us moving).

4. Staying socially connected (to garner the shine of positive, supportive people)

5. Living for the moment (to avoid rumination and to smell the roses).

6. Learning new things and engaging in new activities (to keep our cognitions in peak condition).


I understand this might also seem a tad academic, however as a person who experienced professional burnout staying true to these principles has really helped. 


While you might have already sought the support of a psychologist, counsellor, or other helping worker to assist your recovery, there might also be benefit in you continuing with discussions. As a person once suggested to me "having someone to help carry the load is always helpful". 












Re: How to bounce back during a mental breakdown?

For me today, it's Been appointments galore. I got to have a feedback session from a full comprehensive cognitive assessment and it kinda helped explain a few things. Apparently I'm in autistic burnout (not long ago diagnosed) and my depression and anxiety and complex diagnosis kind of add fuel to each other.. I'm feel okayish in all today, but I'm just mentally exhausted 

Re: How to bounce back during a mental breakdown?

Oh hectic @Staceace111 autistic burnout is legit. A very close friend of mine had pretty severe autistic burnout, took him a few months to start to recover. I recall him talking about the importance of creating a safe, sensory-friendly home environment to make day-to-day stuff less exhausting. Is that something you could do for yourself on this journey? 

Re: How to bounce back during a mental breakdown?

I have been doing this for, using my daughters sensory regulation tools.