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Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Yes? ! @Rockdog  That's what I'm thinking

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme ,

hope Christmas went well. Thank you, that would be nice. Is the yes? because I need to get some more work done?

I am planning to this year so let’s hope so. I think It was 100% real because things have changed. If it wasn’t then they wouldn’t have.

Happy new year, let’s have the best 2024 😊

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

YES indeed @Rockdog .


You've got work to do 🙂 And you know you are not ready yet. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

I do know that, and need to work out how. I have a really weird feeling but I do think something is changing a little bit with me. I can’t explain it though. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Just hang on to that feeling @Rockdog . Better than remaining stagnant. Things will and do change even if we can name it. 


You just have to be ready for anything at any moment. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

Thank you for your support. It means a lot to have you to talk to because you get it.

There isn’t a day that goes bye that I don’t think about her. I’m not sure of the  

next step to become better. I used to tell her all the time about wanting my dreams to come true, and I will never let go. I guess that is the power of love. 😊

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

do you really think she thinks about me every day ? I know that I think about her everyday.  I’m sure it was real, and I miss her so much 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Yes @Rockdog .


Things are moving. I'm sure of that.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thanks @tyme 

Your support means the word to me😊

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

😉 @Rockdog 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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