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Re: Am Not Coping

Sorry I just had a chat with beyondblue @Faith-and-Hope
I’m not doing good

Re: Am Not Coping

Good night @Zoe7 sleep well ❤️😊

Re: Am Not Coping

Hi @Boonana 


I am sorry to hear you are not doing well tonight. I hope it helped to chat with Beyond Blue.


I know you have the school counsellor’s support at school.  That is where my kids started, and it helped, but it didn’t hold our situation.


They moved from there to speaking with psychologists, and one came under the care of a psychiatrist, before going back to a psychologist (psychiatrists can prescribe medications, if it’s something you don’t know).


Generally what is needed is a few different things working together ..... medicines, psychologist or counsellor support, online chat, forums such as this one, phone aps like Smiling Mind and Calm (have you seen them ?).


What can you do tonight to help distract yourself from the negative thoughts and feelings ?

Re: Am Not Coping

Yes I have a few apps like the ones you’ve mentioned @Faith-and-Hope 😊 I haven’t used them in a while tho
I might try get some sleep soon.. I’m not feeling physically well.

Re: Am Not Coping

Sleep sounds like a good idea @Boonana .  I might head off soon too.

Re: Am Not Coping

Do you sleep easily?

Re: Am Not Coping

Sometimes yes and sometimes not-so-much @Boonana .  My hubby doesn’t sleep well.  His mi issues affect the rest of us, but we are working out what we can do around him that makes like a bit easier for everyone.  He sleeps in a different room now, so when he is getting up and down often during the night it doesn’t wake up everybody.

Re: Am Not Coping

Do you miss sleeping with him? My mum and step dad stopped sleeping together and my step dad moved rooms cause my mum didn’t like him snoring 😛 now I’ve moved house and they are in the same room again. My mum used to get lonely though.. so you?

Re: Am Not Coping

I do get a bit lonely @Boonana , but my hubby doesn’t understand that he has an mi, and it has changed his personality a lot.  It means that he is not the same person I used to be really close to, and the behaviours that have become really important to him have crowded out our relationship.  I have had to accept that I can’t do anything more to help him with that than what I am already doing, so I have to look after the kids and myself as best I can until something happens to get through to him.


Its pretty sucky, but it is what it is.  We have all had to learn coping strategies and the sort of self-talk that helps you manage when you’re feeling down.

Re: Am Not Coping

Sorry @Faith-and-Hope
I fell asleep before I knew it last night and have been keeping myself busy today.

How are you all today @Zoe7 @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope
I took Eddie for a walk today since I didn’t get to that yesterday and then took him to a diy dog wash and I just got a haircut! My hair was so long and now it’s so short! Feels so weird!