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Re: Am Not Coping

@Boonana facing the loss of a loved friend would be really hard I imagine. I hope there is something that can bring you some comfort this evening. Maybe a trip to the vet as @Zoe7 mentioned might be something your mum would consider?

I'm going well thanks @Pepsimax. I'm about to start a volunteer thing which I'm really excited about. How are you?

@Zoe7 how are you doing tonight? Sending some ❤ (just cos).

Re: Am Not Coping

Can you talk to your mum and see if you can get him checked out @Boonana ?

Re: Am Not Coping

I am okay @CheerBear but ❤ very much appreciated. Same right back at ya Hon 💕

Re: Am Not Coping

I’ll see if she actually does it first.. because she was just really angry when she said that cause he peed on some of the things for mums wedding next week. She seems a bit less angry so I’m hoping she wasn’t being serious

Re: Am Not Coping

He might have a bladder infection or virus or something @Boonana .  Does your mum tend to say thi ga like that when she gets angry and upset ?

Re: Am Not Coping

That is a horrible threat to make if that is all it was @Boonana and there is no wonder you are feeling the way you are. I do hope she was just acting out in anger Hon.

Re: Am Not Coping

Maybe if you offer to clean her things for her, wv n if she doesn’t take you up on it, it might help.


I understand that they were he wedding things and very special, so she has every right to be upset, but that was a horrible way of showing it.  


Guessing she grew up with things like that being said to her, but the pattern can change with you Hon.  


Sending gentle hugs hugs your way.  That woulda really hurt !!



Re: Am Not Coping

She’s never said that before though.. and I said no he’s not after she did and she said yes he his and I just started crying 😭
I’m scared 😭😭

Re: Am Not Coping

You will need to have a conversation with her about this @Boonana but not until both of you have settled down. Give her some time to calm down and maybe do what @Faith-and-Hope suggested - offer to clean everything first.

Re: Am Not Coping

It is scary @Boonana .


If she says anything more about it, you can ask to take him to the vet to see if he’s unwell, yeah ?

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