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Re: My fitness journey

@Queenie @BryanaCamp  Just wondering how my fitness buddies are doing. Hope you are both doing well on your fitness journey.


I have been a very good pea. Have been walking and doing chair yoga. Have been eating healthy (loads of salads and some fruit with whole grain cereal as a treat) and drinking loats of water (yuck to the water :P) . Drinking shakes - vanilla now but will stay off the chocolate as I am a chocky addict and it may be too tempting to get the taste buds stirred up again :). Can slowly see a shift in weight.


Would love to hear about your successes. Love greenpea xxx



Re: My fitness journey

Way to go @greenpea , that's sensational! I'm well impressed.Smiley Happy


I did a 15km hard hike last week so I'm happy with that. Not doing quite so well on the daily exercise, I seem to be better at going on hikes rather than doing my short workout once a day.


That's great you're eating salads. Yeah, I always forget that fruit has sugar so I guess it is a treat isn't it? I sympathise with the choccy - I'm a definite chocaholic. I had a few beers on the weekend, lots of sugar but it was good fun. I made some wholemeal health biscuits, trying to snack on those & nuts instead of choccy & sweets. Do you find you have enough energy?


How are you going at the gym @Queenie ?

Re: My fitness journey

@BryanaCamp Hi BryanaCamp your hiking sounds great 🙂 I really should do more of that kind of exercise to shift the pounds. Can I ask how old you are? I am 54. I used to run but have done alot of damage to my knees and to be honest the motivation just isn't there to run any more although being super skinny is :).


Hard to tell for me whether my tiredness is the medication that I am on or my dietary changes. I do feel tired though.

Re: My fitness journey

Hey fitness and health buddies,


I have been lax about working out and dieting this week as I'm currently in respite for my mental health. I'll get back to it next week with gusto however. I look forward to my next boxing session. In the meantime I am eating well and healthily (all good food at this respite house) and drinking plenty of fresh spring water.

Re: My fitness journey

@Queenie @greenpea @BryanaCamp @hi all. I’m on a fitness kick as well. I have gone from 96 to 90 kgs but am losing motivation 🙃. I’d love to be a part of this group. My biggest weakness is afternoon binges on chocolate. It can be in block, cake or biscuit form but I love it. I really enjoy passing out from all the sugar for some reason 😁. Then I feel a bit sluggish and ill when I wake up but my mind has forgotten all of that by the next afternoon!! 

I go the gym and do 10 minutes of treadmill, 10 minutes of back and shoulder warm up then 40 minutes of weights. It’s not too bad when I get motivated, but the rest of the time it’s like hello sweeties 🤣. I hate walking though, but my psych suggested I do it mindfully, notice the different styles of letterboxes along the way.. etc. So when I get off my arse I’m going to try that. I’ll walk the k to the gym instead of driving down. 

I love the tips and think this could help me stay on track. Homemade snacks sound like they could be fun. 

Re: My fitness journey

@Alacarte  Hi Alacarte the more the merrier I say! good on you with the weight loss :). Are you finding that medications are putting weight on? I love chocolate too .... I could easily eat a bar of choccy in one sitting .... a family bar that is .... so I have to stay away from it totally :(. I especially love white choccy ... *sigh* oh well it is what it is. 


I used to be a total gym junkie and used to run (when I was totally manic) it gave me such a high these days gentle walks are the go (am going on one this morning).  Cannot face a gym again so much stimuli but also work out at home with qi gong and yoga so am happy with that 🙂 

Re: My fitness journey

@Queenie  @greenpea @Alacarte @BryanaCamp 

Hi everyone it is great to see everyone going so well this is a great thread.

 I am just hoping some motivation. 3 years ago I started to try and get fitter I started out walking and I could only do about 3km. My goal back then was to get fit enough to hike the Overland Track in Tasmania with a 20kg pack. I reached my goal and I have kept going I have started swimming again and mountain biking and last weekend I completed my first Triathlon. I am not done yet bigger and better things ahead.

Just remember when it gets hard that it is worth it and if you need to have a break and start again my best advice 😊

Re: My fitness journey

@Ant7  Hey Ant7 it is great to 'see' you!! been ages :):) Wow good on you for being so motivated! I am telling you now I could never do a Triathalon best I have ever done is a half Marathon and that exhausted me. Again great to have you onn this thread. greenpea xxx

Re: My fitness journey

@greenpea  Hi great to see you again I hope you have been well ❤️

Re: My fitness journey

sorry guys i dont mean to be rude and i know this is a "positive thread" but i really dont understand how it doesnt at least have a trigger warning on it. and if someone were writing all this from the perspective of having and eating disorder i am sure it would be taken down. 

please dont misunderstand me i DONT want this taken down or anything that is not my business but maybe do put a trigger warning on it cause there are talks about specifc weights and stuff and like i really shouldnt have read this but i am stupid and did anyway and i just wouldnt want others to get upset. 


anyway @Queenie  goodluck with your health goals.