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Looking after ourselves

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

Thanks @saltandpepper and @Maggie.

I had to drop off the thread a couple of days before my psych session to reduce my chances of messing up the session. I ended up having a really good session. I'm a lot more harsh about making myself the problem. When I explained the stuff from my counsellor to my psych, he tried to show me that there's a different perspective that's not so harsh. Still a problem I have and can work on, but not me inherently and unchangeably being the problem. I don't always believe that but my homework is to try. 

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

@TheVorticon  All anyone can do is try. I think you are giving it your best shot. Good on you.


Take care.

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

Thanks @Maggie.

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

Feeling like crap after session with counsellor. Dredging up shit from 15yrs ago and he spent most of the time talking. 

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

@TheVorticon  👋🏻👋🏻❣️❣️

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

Hey @TheVorticon is there anything you wanted to get out that you didn't get a chance to say in therapy? Not easy going back to the old wounds, here if you needa chat

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

I don't know. I just wanted him to stop talking and stop explaining for a second. I wish I wasn't me and wasn't here.

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

@TheVorticon It's OK to butt in and tell your psych to slow down. And it's OK to tell them you're not ready to hear/talk about something. It's up to you to decide on the pace, not them, OK?

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

Hi there @TheVorticon,

You're sitting with a lot of pain tonight from those opened wounds. It sounds like your counsellor was moving at a different pace than you needed in that session. I'm sorry they couldn't see that.

If you feel like you need some extra one-on-one support or feeling unsafe I encourage you to contact a helpline-

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

Lifeline: 13 11 14


Here with you,

Sphinxly 🐣

Re: Difficulty talking to psych

Yeah I should've given him a time out signal or something. I just start shutting down when that sort of thing happens though. Guess that's something I need to figure out and prep for - what I need when shutting down.
Thanks @saltandpepper and @Former-Member. And @Maggie from before.
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