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Farewell, Forumites

Hi everyone,


I wanted to let you know that after several years at SANE, I am now moving on - I'll be finishing up at the end of this week.


I wanted to warmly wish farewell to everyone I've gotten to know and- in the true style of peer support- I've had the opportunity to both support and learn from. This is an amazing online community, and I hope you'll continue to make the most of the space and supportive connections here.


Beyond that, I also genuinely wish you the best for a meaningful life, recovery, and healing- whatever that looks like for you.


@Shaz51 @MDT @Adge @NatureLover @Appleblossom @Snowie @Captain24 @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @outlander @Eve7 @chibam @Jacques @ArraDreaming @wellwellwellnez @petrichor @eth @Judi9877 @BlueBay @Bow - plus anyone I've missed, as well as those on Peer Group Chats who aren't necessarily on the forums.


Take care 💗


Re: Farewell, Forumites

Thank you for the time and care you have spent on us here @Former-Member.  Wherever you go you will remain part of our community here for the lives you have touched.


All the best for your new ventures.




Re: Farewell, Forumites

Thank you for all your support @Former-Member 


Enjoy the next part of your journey.



Re: Farewell, Forumites

Thank you @Former-Member for all your support.


Wishing you all the best for the future 

Re: Farewell, Forumites

Thank you for all your time and support @Former-Member wishing you all the best

Re: Farewell, Forumites

wishing you well on your next journey @Former-Member 

thank you for all your help and support on the forum


take care xxxxx

Re: Farewell, Forumites

@Former-Member I really appreciated your presence here, and can only guess at all the behind the scenes work.


Good Luck in the next part of your life.

Re: Farewell, Forumites

Thank you for all the support and care you have shown everyone here on the forum @Former-Member 

Am going to miss you and not seeing your name around xx

All the best for your new adventure,  whatever it may be 

Love to know 

From Shaz51 


Re: Farewell, Forumites

Hi @Former-Member 

I will be selfish and say I wish you weren't going but I know new adventures await you.

Thank you for all you have done for the Sane Community.


I hope you future endeavors go well and wish you nothing but the best of luck.


Re: Farewell, Forumites

Thank you for everything you've been a part of here, @Former-Member . And I wish you all the best for the future. 🙂🤗